by Brittany S. from Virtuous Daughters, November 2009~Volume 9, Number 8 It has been said that there should be no neutrality in the universe, because of the admonition of Colossians 3:17 “And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus . . .” So we should do nothing neutrally; but, whether we are doing our schoolwork, changing a diaper, or doing household work, we should do nothing with only the aim of getting it done, but everything “for the glory of God” and “in the name of the Lord Jesus.” If we do this, then not one moment of our life will be lived in vain. By doing all in Christ’s name and for His glory, we will be living a life of nobility and greatness.
by Emily B. from Virtuous Daughters, May 2009~Volume 9, Number 2 We have, at one time or another, used all of these ideas in our family! Some of them became such favorites that they are often requested by the younger ones. :) I hope your family will enjoy them as well
by Lydia from Virtuous Daughters, November 2009~Volume 9, Number 9 I cannot think of anything more damaging to the inward and outward beauty of a girl, than bitterness. It is a seed, that once planted, begins to choke out the grace and sweetness of a young maiden and is terribly hard to get rid of. The plant grows rapidly, and sends out new shoots that produce more seeds and can easily spread to others. Let me tell you about some ways this seed is planted, how it spreads, and what you must do to get rid of it.
by Emily from Virtuous Daughters, September 2009~Volume 9, Number 6 The Scriptures tell us that Solomon was the wisest man who ever lived. Toward the end of his life, he admonished young people with the following: “Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh, when thou shalt say, I have no pleasure in them.”
by Emily B. from Virtuous Daughters, January 2010~Volume 9, Number 10 The benefits of organizing are many! Not only will you enjoy the satisfaction of having a neat, clean home, but you will also be able to find what you are looking for, when you want it! When the house is organized, cleaning is less of a chore, and in the long run, organizing your house will also save you time and money. To start with, it is important to have a place for everything. When you’re done using something, put it back where it belongs, right away! At the end of the day, or several times a day, go through the house and pick up whatever little things are cluttering the floors and tables, picking up and putting them away as you go. This will only take a few moments, but it goes a long way towards keeping your home looking neat! Here are a few ideas for organizing which perhaps you’ll find helpful:
by Sarah H. from Virtuous Daughters, March 2010~Volume 9, Number 12 The popular culture of today projects a skewed image of beauty. What we are bombarded with by the mass media in no way resembles God’s definition of beauty; it is an intense focus on outward appearances, an exploitation of physical beauty, and a complete ignorance of the true, Christlike beauty that emanates from the inside out. The consequences of this worldly outlook run the gamut from immodesty to eating disorders to disillusionment—and much, much more. If we know that the image of beauty projected to us by the world is fatally twisted and self-destructive, then what is true beauty?
by Brittany S. from Virtuous Daughters, August 2009~Volume 9, Number 5 As a young child, I memorized portions of Scripture here and there—anywhere from verses to chapters. As I grew older, I continued to memorize chapters on occasion. But I wasn’t memorizing Scripture consistently until several months ago—I was memorizing the book of First Timothy when the study material for the National Bible Bee became available. I was enrolled and decided to post-pone my memorization of 1 Timothy. :)
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