by Emily from Virtuous Daughters, November 2010~Volume 10, Number 8 As Christian young ladies, it is our goal to become virtuous daughters. But what is a virtuous daughter, and how can we become one? The thirty-first chapter of Proverbs depicts the many qualities of a virtuous woman. If we look at the different characteristics discussed throughout the passage, we can begin to form a picture of what we should be. To become just such a daughter, it is important that we look to the Lord and His Word for instruction and for an example to follow. It is only with Christ’s help that we can become what He wants us to be!
by Tiffany S. from Virtuous Daughters, December 2019/January 2020~Volume 19, Number 5 "It is good for me that I have been afflicted; that I might learn Thy statutes."
Psalm 119:71 Trials. That simple word brings to your mind something real and personal that you have walked through in the past or are currently experiencing right now. Whether your trial is acknowledged by many who know you or remains private to you and the Lord, you know what that trial is, for "every heart knows its own bitterness" (Proverbs 14:10). by Christianne from Virtuous Daughters, April 2008~Volume 8, Number 1 People prepare for many things: they prepare for college, retirement, events, vacation, foreign travel, etc. If they are traveling, they will research the place they are traveling to, the culture, the food, the language, and the people. Since people go to such lengths to prepare for these short-term pursuits, young ladies should be going to great lengths to prepare for something that will last longer—marriage.
by Tiffany S. from Virtuous Daughters, July 2006~Volume 6, Number 7 We can learn so much from the lives of others. Thankfully, the Word of God is brimming full of examples of godly men and women for us to learn and benefit from. Here are just a few:
by Brittany S. from Virtuous Daughters, November 2009~Volume 9, Number 8 It has been said that there should be no neutrality in the universe, because of the admonition of Colossians 3:17 “And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus . . .” So we should do nothing neutrally; but, whether we are doing our schoolwork, changing a diaper, or doing household work, we should do nothing with only the aim of getting it done, but everything “for the glory of God” and “in the name of the Lord Jesus.” If we do this, then not one moment of our life will be lived in vain. By doing all in Christ’s name and for His glory, we will be living a life of nobility and greatness.
by Tiffany S. from Virtuous Daughters, June 2012~Volume 12, Number 3 “Ah, what a mercy that it is not
your hold of Christ that saves you, but His hold of you! What a sweet fact that it is not how you grasp His hand, but His grasp of yours that saves you.” “Trust all your concerns with Him Who can never be taken from thee, Who will never leave thee, and Who will never let thee leave Him.” ~Charles Spurgeon~ by Brianna from Virtuous Daughters, November 2015~Volume 15, Number 8 When I think back on my single years, I am thankful.
Thankful that God is sovereign. I am amazed at how every detail of my life, family, decisions, was purposefully preparing me for the future. I didn’t know it at the time. I wasn’t always feeling a whole lot of gratitude for my circumstances, but still—despite me—God had a plan. by Cheryl S. from Virtuous Daughters, October 2007~Volume 7, Number 7 Darling Virtuous Daughters,
Today I want to share with you a quick thought that is near and dear to my heart. Recently the Lord has drawn my heart close to Him and has called me to sit at His feet. I sometimes see myself as a princess and my Father is the King. Even though I am the princess of a great and mighty King, many things trouble me. Yet my loving, kind, and gentle Father calls me to His throne to sit at His feet. Sometimes I just talk to Him and tell Him my cares and other times I cry upon His knees. Although my problems are trivial compared to the greater problems in His kingdom, He never forbids me to come to Him. And He lovingly welcomes me with outstretched arms, patiently listening. by Emily from Virtuous Daughters, July 2011~Volume 11, Number 4 There is a drastic difference between the ways of the world and the teachings of the Bible. While the world promotes rebellion, independence, and disrespect for authority, the Bible teaches submission and honor. While pride and “me first” attitudes are common in the world, the Bible way is to humbly prefer others before ourselves. The list could go on—in music, dress, attitude, yes—in every area of life—God’s ways, and the world’s, are in opposition.
The Article LibraryThis "Library" contains articles that were published in previous issues of Virtuous Daughters. It will keep growing as we continue to upload articles from the 20 years of printing. We pray they are an encouragement to you! Categories
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