by Emily from Virtuous Daughters, November 2010~Volume 10, Number 8 As Christian young ladies, it is our goal to become virtuous daughters. But what is a virtuous daughter, and how can we become one? The thirty-first chapter of Proverbs depicts the many qualities of a virtuous woman. If we look at the different characteristics discussed throughout the passage, we can begin to form a picture of what we should be. To become just such a daughter, it is important that we look to the Lord and His Word for instruction and for an example to follow. It is only with Christ’s help that we can become what He wants us to be!
by Tiffany S. from Virtuous Daughters, September 2016~Volume 16, Number 6 “Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.”--Proverbs 18:21 There have been times when I’ve had to apologize for things I have said. How we must seek the Lord to guard our tongue! Proverbs 17:28 comes to mind: “Even a fool, when he holdeth his peace, is counted wise: and he that shutteth his lips is esteemed a man of understanding.”
At the same time, Proverbs 18:21 tells us that the tongue has the potential to provide life. Sometimes it does need to be exercised. The following points emphasize words that we are commanded in Scripture to speak. I hope these thoughts encourage all of us as we seek to glorify God with this “little member” that can wield so much power. by Brittany S. from Virtuous Daughters, November 2009~Volume 9, Number 8 It has been said that there should be no neutrality in the universe, because of the admonition of Colossians 3:17 “And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus . . .” So we should do nothing neutrally; but, whether we are doing our schoolwork, changing a diaper, or doing household work, we should do nothing with only the aim of getting it done, but everything “for the glory of God” and “in the name of the Lord Jesus.” If we do this, then not one moment of our life will be lived in vain. By doing all in Christ’s name and for His glory, we will be living a life of nobility and greatness.
by Tiffany S. from Virtuous Daughters, March 2008~Volume 7, Number 12 As I lean against the kitchen table and gaze out the window, I quietly ask the Lord, What do You want me to do? Where do You want me to go? What should my agenda look like? What’s the next step?
by Lori from Virtuous Daughters, January 2011~Volume 10, Number 10 I’ll never forget the day my children and I went for our daily walk in our neighborhood after lunch . . . We met an older lady out raking her yard. We said hello and introduced ourselves. We chatted a few minutes and went on our way. We ran into her again, a few days later, and again, and again. One day she confessed—“I don’t know why I’m telling you my whole life story; I hardly know you!” I promised I’d pray for her and her health issues (of which there were many) and we went on our way.
by Emily B. from Virtuous Daughters, May 2009~Volume 9, Number 2 We have, at one time or another, used all of these ideas in our family! Some of them became such favorites that they are often requested by the younger ones. :) I hope your family will enjoy them as well
by Amelia G. from Virtuous Daughters, April 2018~Volume 18, Number 1 An accident. A cancer diagnosis. A terminal illness. A miscarriage or child born prematurely. It pains our hearts to see our friends, neighbors, and church family hurting from medical crises. We want to help lift their burdens, but it can be difficult to know how best to help. Sometimes it is difficult to find ways to help because we don’t really understand what they are going through or we don’t know what the person or family needs. Sometimes we might even wonder if our efforts to help are truly helpful. Though each crisis and each family’s experience is different, there are many things you can do to help these hurting people regardless of the specifics of their situation. Through my own family’s experiences with medical crises and my nursing training, I would like to share with you some thoughts and practical ideas to empower you to effectively meet the needs of those in medical crisis around you.
by Kaylyn from Virtuous Daughters, April 2011~Volume 11, Number 1 Besides being an excellent ministry opportunity, hospitality provides a great foundation for building healthy Have you ever wanted to have a family ministry that was based in your own home? Look no further than your own front door! Hospitality is a fantastic way to bless others while still being able to stay at home and work together as a family. Galatians 6:10 says: “Therefore as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those of the household of faith.”
by Sarah from Virtuous Daughters, March 2011~Volume 10, Number 12 Hospitality is a powerful witnessing tool. When a family invites others into their home and offers their time, love, and service in the name of Christ, they are offering a glimpse of their Christian life. In fact, a biblical guideline for a church elder is that he be a lover of hospitality: 1 Timothy 13:2 reads, “A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behavior, given to hospitality, apt to teach."
by Rachel from Virtuous Daughters, February 2007~Volume 6, Number 11 “I went by the field of the slothful, and by the vineyard of the man void of understanding. And lo it was all grown over with thorns and nettles covered the face thereof and the stonewall thereof was broken down.” (Proverbs 24:30–31) This verse can easily be applied to a dirty kitchen, an unruly bedroom, and a smelly bathroom. It also says in Proverbs 19:24, “A slothful man hideth his hand in his bosom and will not so much as bring it to his mouth again.” So girls, when our mother tells us to clean our rooms, let’s do it thoroughly.
The Article LibraryThis "Library" contains articles that were published in previous issues of Virtuous Daughters. It will keep growing as we continue to upload articles from the 20 years of printing. We pray they are an encouragement to you! Categories
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