by Tiffany S. from Virtuous Daughters, August 2005~Volume 5, Number 5 Friendship is no doubt a gift from the Lord. In each friend He gives us, He always includes a special lesson that stays with us forever. Friends bring many joys and memories—adventurous hikes, long talks, wet boat rides, sticky and messy crafts, long but fun camping trips, not-so-successful cooking, and sharing how God has been working in each others’ lives. Thank God for your friends and pray for them each day. Proverbs 17:17 “A friend loveth at all times…”
Personally, I am grateful for the fellowship and encouragement the Lord provided to me through many godly friends. After a period of loneliness and praying for a friend, He brought into my life several girls who have truly made a difference. by a Sister in Christ from Virtuous Daughters, August 2005~Volume 5, Number 5 “Mom, may I please invite a friend over today?” Elizabeth requested.
“Yes, you may, dear,” replied Mama, “as soon as you finish chores and school.” Later that afternoon, Elizabeth and Victoria were sitting on the porch happily deciding how to spend the afternoon. “I know, why don’t we play that we each own a little store and we can buy and sell things to each other with our play money?” suggested Elizabeth. “Yes, that would be fun!” Victoria said agreeing with her friend. Skipping cheerfully into the living room, the girls began to set up their stores. Then a thought popped into Elizabeth’s mind, Maybe I should check with Mom and make sure she doesn’t mind if we make a mess in the living room. Oh well, I don’t know where Mom is, and Victoria might think I’m silly. After working busily, the whole living room was full of merchandise on display. Hearing a sweet voice, Victoria turned around. It was Elizabeth’s little sister, Hannah. “Can I play too?” Hannah asked. Oh no, she’s too little and we’ll have to help her. Why did she have to come along? Sour thoughts were filling Victoria’s mind. “No, why don’t you play over here with these markers and coloring books?” Victoria said hastily as she shoved the little girl into another room. A few minutes later Mama walked inside from checking the mail. She was a very patient and kind mother, but a shadow of disappointment crossed her face. “Girls, I need to have dinner ready and the house clean soon because we are having a special guest for dinner. Where is baby Hannah?” When Mama found Hannah, she looked up and flashed a rainbow colored smile at Mama while waving a chewed-up marker in her hand. Later, before bed, Mama sat down with Elizabeth. “Let’s see what the Bible teaches us about friends: by Brianna from Virtuous Daughters, June 2006~Volume 6, Number 3 My Dear Virtuous Daughters, I would like to tell you a little story. There once was a young girl named Carrie Fisher. She came from a poor family so she had to make a
living by washing dishes in the kitchen of a rich family’s home. One day as she was drying some forks and knives, she began singing a song that encouraged Christians to shine in their corner for Christ. As she sang, she realized that she had the opportunity right where she was to shine in her corner. So she became more diligent at her work and made an effort to make each of those forks and knives to sparkle. by Naomi from Virtuous Daughters, June 2014~Volume 14, Number 3 “Duty makes us do things well; love makes us do them beautifully.
by Tiffany S. from Virtuous Daughters, September 2004~Volume 4, Number 6 Anyone who spends even a small amount of time on computers is familiar with the convenient “undo” button. :) It is in Microsoft Word, all of the craft and card programs, and even some games. But I have learned that in the reality of life, there is no undo button. When I make a mistake or say something I later regret, I cannot take it back. I can do my best to fix it, but I can never take back the past- what happened yesterday, last month, or last year.
by Tiffany S. from Virtuous Daughters, September 2016~Volume 16, Number 6 A Study in God-Honoring Character
by Cheryl S. from Virtuous Daughters, May 2005~Volume 5, Number 2 Recently, our family had the opportunity to volunteer at a pioneer festival. After our “shift” was over, we walked around to see the different skills being demonstrated. Because our son is fascinated with blacksmith work, we spent an extended period of time at the blacksmith shop.
As we approached his work area, we noticed several items on his table in front of us. There were nails, fancy hooks, knives, hammers, as well as many other useful items. Even though the items were all for different uses, and were each uniquely made, they each bore a resemblance about them to which one could notice the special touch of their maker’s hand. by Emily from Virtuous Daughters, November 2010~Volume 10, Number 8 As Christian young ladies, it is our goal to become virtuous daughters. But what is a virtuous daughter, and how can we become one? The thirty-first chapter of Proverbs depicts the many qualities of a virtuous woman. If we look at the different characteristics discussed throughout the passage, we can begin to form a picture of what we should be. To become just such a daughter, it is important that we look to the Lord and His Word for instruction and for an example to follow. It is only with Christ’s help that we can become what He wants us to be!
by Tiffany S. from Virtuous Daughters, July 2006~Volume 6, Number 7 We can learn so much from the lives of others. Thankfully, the Word of God is brimming full of examples of godly men and women for us to learn and benefit from. Here are just a few:
by Brittany S. from Virtuous Daughters, November 2009~Volume 9, Number 8 It has been said that there should be no neutrality in the universe, because of the admonition of Colossians 3:17 “And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus . . .” So we should do nothing neutrally; but, whether we are doing our schoolwork, changing a diaper, or doing household work, we should do nothing with only the aim of getting it done, but everything “for the glory of God” and “in the name of the Lord Jesus.” If we do this, then not one moment of our life will be lived in vain. By doing all in Christ’s name and for His glory, we will be living a life of nobility and greatness.
The Article LibraryThis "Library" contains articles that were published in previous issues of Virtuous Daughters. It will keep growing as we continue to upload articles from the 20 years of printing. We pray they are an encouragement to you! Categories
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