by Amanda from Virtuous Daughters, May 2015~Volume 15, Number 2 What do you think are the most desired qualities in a wife and mother? That she can cook a mouth-watering roast? Or bake up scrumptious scones? Or maybe keep the home neat as a pin? Maybe running a household of ten smoothly? Or maybe being able to knit a cardigan, teach seven homeschoolers, and feed the baby all at the same time?! All these skills are wonderful and would be greatly appreciated by a husband :), but the most important thing as we prepare to be a godly wife and mother is…
our relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. by Tiffany S. from Virtuous Daughters, April 2013~Volume 13, Number 1 I was sorting some paperwork and ran across my sermon notes from a series of messages preached by my pastor about “Five Crossroads of the Christian Life.” One of those crossroads was Satisfaction—Giving Thanks. I thought perhaps the following thoughts from the sermon would be an encouragement:
by Tiffany S. from Virtuous Daughters, September 2016~Volume 16, Number 6 A Study in God-Honoring Character
by Tiffany S. from Virtuous Daughters, December 2019/January 2020~Volume 19, Number 5 "It is good for me that I have been afflicted; that I might learn Thy statutes."
Psalm 119:71 Trials. That simple word brings to your mind something real and personal that you have walked through in the past or are currently experiencing right now. Whether your trial is acknowledged by many who know you or remains private to you and the Lord, you know what that trial is, for "every heart knows its own bitterness" (Proverbs 14:10). by Emily from Virtuous Daughters, February 2009~Volume 8, Number 11 Have you ever wondered what true contentment is? According to the dictionary, it means having a mind at peace, being satisfied and undisturbed—quietness. What a wonderful state of mind that sounds like! As born-again Christians, we know that no one can truly be satisfied apart from Jesus Christ! Let us turn to the Bible, and see what that most important Book has to say about our subject. There are four verses, in particular, that stand out to me.
by Kristen from Virtuous Daughters, September 2015~Volume 15, Number 6 “Wait for the LORD; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the LORD!” ~Psalm 27:14
Singleness can be such a lonely, discontented period for many young women. However, it doesn’t have to be that way! An attitude of discontentment is an inward problem of the heart. Instead of looking outward for things that will change our circumstances, we must look inward and change the condition of our hearts. Our Heavenly Father wants us to rejoice always, in all circumstances, and through all trials that get thrown our way. We don’t have the “right” to pick and choose, we must rejoice in all things in order to follow in the footsteps of our Savior. Joy and contentment are choices, not emotions, which is why the Apostle Paul wrote, “I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation.” by Brianna from Virtuous Daughters, November 2015~Volume 15, Number 8 When I think back on my single years, I am thankful.
Thankful that God is sovereign. I am amazed at how every detail of my life, family, decisions, was purposefully preparing me for the future. I didn’t know it at the time. I wasn’t always feeling a whole lot of gratitude for my circumstances, but still—despite me—God had a plan. by Tiffany S. from Virtuous Daughters, March 2008~Volume 7, Number 12 As I lean against the kitchen table and gaze out the window, I quietly ask the Lord, What do You want me to do? Where do You want me to go? What should my agenda look like? What’s the next step?
by Cheryl S. from Virtuous Daughters, October 2007~Volume 7, Number 7 Darling Virtuous Daughters,
Today I want to share with you a quick thought that is near and dear to my heart. Recently the Lord has drawn my heart close to Him and has called me to sit at His feet. I sometimes see myself as a princess and my Father is the King. Even though I am the princess of a great and mighty King, many things trouble me. Yet my loving, kind, and gentle Father calls me to His throne to sit at His feet. Sometimes I just talk to Him and tell Him my cares and other times I cry upon His knees. Although my problems are trivial compared to the greater problems in His kingdom, He never forbids me to come to Him. And He lovingly welcomes me with outstretched arms, patiently listening. by Tiffany from Virtuous Daughters, August/September 2020~Volume 20, Number 3 My Dear Sisters,
Earlier this year, I was asked to share at a ladies’ retreat. I felt very honored, but I also felt overwhelmed. Last year was hard, and to be honest, I felt inadequate to talk about having a heart of trust and surrender and contentment…because I knew that these were areas that I needed to grow in. However, as I prayed about this opportunity, the Lord reminded me that we will never “arrive,” and through my own journey, He has graciously given me so much truth and encouragement from His Word to strengthen my heart and renew my focus…why would I not pass along that encouragement to my sisters in Christ?! This article is simply my notes in written form. Truly, it is not about me or anyone else “having it all together,” but about leaning on the Author and Finisher of our faith. You see, Christ wants to live His life through us. Understanding this truth has given me so much peace and victory, because it reminds me to depend on His strength instead of my own. “I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, Who loved me, and gave Himself for me.”—Galatians 2:20 My prayer is that the things God has been teaching me would encourage you and point you to Christ…not because of who I am, but because of Who He is. |
The Article LibraryThis "Library" contains articles that were published in previous issues of Virtuous Daughters. It will keep growing as we continue to upload articles from the 20 years of printing. We pray they are an encouragement to you! Categories
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