by Carolina from Virtuous Daughters, August 2011~Volume 11, Number 5 Hello Girls,
For my family, hospitality is very important. And I can’t say that we have always done hospitality the same way, which is why I would like to share my stories and some suggestions of hospitality. First of all, hospitality and family boils down to the same thing: to bring glory to God. Then it is clear to see that: The family is powerful. by Emily from Virtuous Daughters, July 2011~Volume 11, Number 4 There is a drastic difference between the ways of the world and the teachings of the Bible. While the world promotes rebellion, independence, and disrespect for authority, the Bible teaches submission and honor. While pride and “me first” attitudes are common in the world, the Bible way is to humbly prefer others before ourselves. The list could go on—in music, dress, attitude, yes—in every area of life—God’s ways, and the world’s, are in opposition.
by Kaylyn from Virtuous Daughters, April 2011~Volume 11, Number 1 Besides being an excellent ministry opportunity, hospitality provides a great foundation for building healthy Have you ever wanted to have a family ministry that was based in your own home? Look no further than your own front door! Hospitality is a fantastic way to bless others while still being able to stay at home and work together as a family. Galatians 6:10 says: “Therefore as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those of the household of faith.”
by Heather from Virtuous Daughters, January 2012~Volume 11, Number 10 Sigh! Do you have the habit of allowing sighs to escape your lips throughout the day? Have you ever thought to consider that little gesture? Most of the time they transpire without our realizing. I was convicted about sighs recently and would like to share with you what the Lord revealed to me. Are they only harmless little puffs of air?
What type of sigh do you utter? by Lori from Virtuous Daughters, November 2011~Volume 11, Number 8 Thanks to God!
(by August Ludwig Storm, translated by Carl E. Backstrom) Thanks to God for my Redeemer, Thanks for all Thou dost provide! Thanks for times now but a mem’ry, Thanks for Jesus by my side! Thanks for pleasant, cheerful springtime, Thanks for summer, winter, fall! Thanks for tears by now forgotten, Thanks for peace within my soul! Thanks for prayers that Thou hast answered, Thanks for what Thou dost deny! Thanks for storms that I have weathered, Thanks for all Thou dost supply! Thanks for pain, and thanks for pleasure, Thanks for comfort in despair! Thanks for grace that none can measure, Thanks for love beyond compare! Thanks for roses by the wayside, Thanks for thorns their stems contain! Thanks for homes and thanks for fireside, Thanks for hope, that sweet refrain! Thanks for joy and thanks for sorrow, Thanks for heavenly peace with Thee! Thanks for hope for the tomorrow, Thanks through all eternity! “O give thanks unto the LORD; for He is good; for His mercy endureth for ever.” —1 Chronicles 16:34 “By Him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to His name.”—Hebrews 13:15 “In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” —1 Thessalonians 5:18 by Kristin from Virtuous Daughters, June 2011~Volume 11, Number 3 “Storm’s brewing, Sir!” The lookout cried from above. “Nor ‘easter. She’s going to be a bad ‘un!”
“Aye!” the captain replied. The wind was already picking up. He could tell the lookout was right. “All hands to yer stations!” he cried. “Batten down the hatches, if you please!” “Aye, sir!” The hands scrambled to nail down the openings. If water were allowed below, the ship would be in trouble. The captain knew from experience; this storm would produce mighty swells, maybe fifty-footers. The ship would pitch and groan under the force of the water, which would seek the lowest point of the ship. It would seek in vain, though, for the men were hard at work battening down the hatches. However, the captain had another concern. “Look sharp, man!” he called to the lookout. “Lash yourself to the mast. We’re in enemy waters . . .” by Sarah B. from Virtuous Daughters, November 2011~Volume 11, Number 8 With fervor, the young lady scrubbed the dirty dinner pot. She was growing frustrated with the seemingly enormous stack of dishes that awaited her attention, for she wanted to finish a sewing project after kitchen duties were completed. Her siblings had vanished after the meal was over, leaving her alone to clean up. Sharon inwardly grumbled in self-pity, when her thoughts were shocked to silence when her mom walked in the kitchen with a sober face. Her announcement was startling.
by Tiffany S. from Virtuous Daughters, June 2011~Volume 11, Number 3 While I am grateful for this opportunity to praise the Lord for saving me, I am pondering how to fit a collection of thoughts, feelings, and lessons into one tiny article! The more I grow in Him, the more obvious His mercy becomes to me, and I am eternally thankful for His love and mercy. Every day the Lord grows and teaches me. Salvation is only the beginning of our journey with Him!
by Tiffany S. from Virtuous Daughters, November 2011~Volume 11, Number 8 “But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.” —I Corinthians 15:57–58 “Change and decay in all around I see. O, Thou Who changest not, abide with me.” I love that line of the precious hymn, “Abide with Me,” because it reminds me that in the midst of disastrous compromise and heart-wrenching sin in the world—or even in the lives of fellow believers who have strayed from the Lord—my God does not change! He is from everlasting to everlasting, the same yesterday, today, and forever! Have you ever noticed disheartening compromise in a fellow believer? The direction of the world is enough to discourage anyone, but what is especially grieving is to watch Christians—formerly strong Christians—cave under pressure. We are to be set apart—called out—for God’s work. We have a strong arm to lean on, and rebellion to the Lord’s ways should not occur in our lives. Our family has been heart-broken in observing others collapse under pressure from the world. Recently, the Lord revealed Scriptures and thoughts that I wanted to share in hopes that it will be an encouragement as you endeavor to live strong in the Lord all your days. After all, glorifying Him is our life-long purpose as Christians! |
The Article LibraryThis "Library" contains articles that were published in previous issues of Virtuous Daughters. It will keep growing as we continue to upload articles from the 20 years of printing. We pray they are an encouragement to you! Categories
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